Spiritual Direction

Curious what spiritual direction is all about? Spiritual Directors are trained listeners. I’m not a solutions provider or a fixer. I am trained to accompany you on your faith journey; to hold space, to ask questions and to highlight the presence and movement of the Spirit in your life. While a pastoral counselor counsels, and a therapist works toward change, Spiritual Directors help people to understand where and how God is present and working in their lives. While counselors and therapists work on relationships with self and others, Spiritual Directors help cultivate your relationship with God. This is a holy encounter that takes place monthly.

My formation in Ignatian Spirituality is rooted in my Jesuit education. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology/Sociology from Loyola University Maryland. I also earned my certification in Spiritual Direction from Loyola.

As a trained leader of Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, I lead retreatants of the 19th Annotation of The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. This truly life-changing retreat runs from October through May. I provide 1:1 weekly spiritual direction for the duration of the Exercises.

If you are interested in cultivating a sacred space to discern God’s voice in a prayer of quiet, it would be my joy to connect with you.

Want to get to know me better? Listen to the Gaze Podcast on Apple and Spotify!