Emotional Healing


It’s time to loosen your grip and soften your heart. It’s time. I’d like to invite you to pray a 9 Day Surrender Novena with me. Community is everything when it comes to support, belonging, and journeying with other people who are also on the path to something new. Surrender is the first step to understanding who we are as well as whose we are.

Would you like a copy of the beautiful Surrender Novena?

it would be my joy to send it to you!

We must be willing to give up the life we've planned, so we can live the life that's waiting for us. -Joseph Campbell.png

Would You Like To Live In Such A Way That You Are Ready For Anything?

I believe you can. Spiritual wholeness is the first step to emotional healing. In general, the more engaged you are in your prayer life, the greater sense of peace you will experience emotionally. Remember, we are accustomed to our modern medical system and a sort of “band-aid” approach which typically focuses on the symptoms of the problem without truly and fully addressing root causes of dis-ease. However, addressing feelings of uneasiness or dis-ease takes internal work, too, such as prayer, journaling, perhaps therapy with a qualified Christian counselor. I have a radical approach to share with you. We often turn last to where we should’ve gone first. Let me introduce you to the power of the Eucharist, which can be found in every tabernacle, in every Catholic church in the world. Jesus prepared this for us at the Last Supper (this is my body) and He promised in this way, he would be with us until the end of time. Personally, I experienced a great deal of healing from hours spent with “The Great Physician” in front of the Blessed Sacrament every day. I didn’t know I needed this. It happened quite by accident. Lasting emotional healing is long game. What I experienced and wish to share was a slow and gentle release of stored pain vs. any kind of quick fix approach. I spent hours pouring my heart out to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. I shed healing tears over traumatic losses in my life. I handed over my suffering, my emotional and physical pain and felt lighter after every visit to the chapel. I found myself healing from the inside out. Stored emotion was released. This was the beginning of true and lasting healing. This is just a first step, but one I believe is critical and what is missing in our modern world where everyone is searching, but few are searching here.

Understand the Power of Your Thoughts

What we think and feel has a great impact on our physiology. Healthy emotional responses are important for overall well-being. Yet, not all emotions elicit a positive reaction. In fact, many provoke us in negative ways. Further, emotions that are being ignored and denied become the root of stress in the mind and body. If you can learn to identify the emotions that are causing you stress, you can begin to take charge. Emotions typically fall into basic categories like fear, anger, sadness, joy, shame, disgust, surprise, and love. These primary emotions are wired into our brains, whereas secondary emotions are learned. We pick up cues from family and society. This is why the reigning cultural lies can be so damaging. Have you ever thought to question what is socially acceptable or the cultural expectations you have taken in? Often the judgement we place on ourselves leads to shame and negative self-talk. Consider your internal dialogue. Plagued with negativity? It’s time to reprogram your thinking. The mind is a powerful force in our well-being. We all must first understand the spiritual battle that wages within us. So often we are not even aware of it. The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola equip us with tools to begin to identify the positive and negative movements in our soul. Another good resource for learning about the negative spirit is Joyce Meyer’s The Battlefield of the Mind. I recommend that you start with these suggestions to get a better understanding of how negative forces are working to discourage you from the joy that is your birthright. A brief overview of The Discernment of Spirits can be found in my free e-book.

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By now we all know that gratitude is a powerful player in the thought game. But, do you actually have a gratitude practice? It doesn’t have to be complicated. My best recommendation to begin this daily habit is to get yourself The Five Minute Journal app for a simple, effective way to bring joy into your daily routine. I love using the camera on my phone on my daily walk to capture an image that speaks to me. It’s easy to add your favorite image from the day to The Five Minute Journal, and then just follow the fun prompts. It’s a simple practice that will really ground your day in gratitude and give you a sense of accomplishment and joy. Honestly, if you’re taking pictures throughout the day anyway, this is a quick, fun way to capture the special moments and embrace them with gratitude. Try it!

Another simple tool to add to the toolbox of emotional well-being is daily movement. Find places of exquisite nature to soak in the gifts around you and feel the real presence of God in every created thing. Simply try walking on a nature path daily for 20-30 minutes. Gradually allow this to evolve into a walking meditation. Nature will speak to your soul. Try this for a month and keep a journal of your experiences. There are other ways to experience the powerful calming and healing effects of nature. One of the best things you can do for your emotional well-being is to incorporate nature recreation into your days.

Continuing on ways to leverage the power of nature, do you have a green plant in every room? Science backs the studies that indicate improved concentration and productivity and less stress in environments containing green plants. There are many articles on the subject. Just to give you an idea, Brain World Magazine offers this brief article on the beneficial power of green. Essential oil is pure plant wisdom at its finest. Read more here .

Seeking beauty in music is another powerful and soothing gift for your soul. Some of my favorite Spirit playlists can be found on Spotify. Follow me @thenaturalhealingproject.

Emotional healing is a process and one that takes time and patience; surrender and trust. My role here is not to cure you in one page of a website, but rather to teach you what’s possible and to guide you down healing paths by introducing you to the journey of self-directed wellness. This is what begins to unfold in our real life community where you will find support and tools to begin taking ownership of the healing process in your life. I welcome you, if this is your time. It’s a very good time to live fully and in a high state of emotional wellness.

In the meantime, guard your mind. Fill your mind with good thoughts. Only allow in things of beauty. Ban the toxicity that surrounds us. What we allow our minds to perceive is important. Perceptions become thoughts. Thoughts become actions. Change what you allow to flow into your mind and thereby change your perceptions about yourself and the world. Think about it: the less we consume, the less we compare. The less we perceive how other people are living, dressing, eating, and spending, the more free we feel to connect to our own authenticity. Commit to cleansing all parts of your life: mental clutter, visual clutter, physical clutter. Now is the time to examine what you are letting in. Acknowledge the state of distraction so tempting in our world today. Whether you realize it or not, this constant stream of media consumption is affecting your peace. Once the negative influences are filtered out, you will start to recognize the lies of the world and gain clarity and power to renounce them. This is the powerful starting point of the deliverance and freedom you are seeking. If you need support to clarify and let go, try diffusing herbaceous essential oils like lemongrass for powerful cleansing benefits. Read more about the efficacy and everyday uses of pure plant wisdom here and learn more about essential oils and their influence on emotions here.

There are many, many resources available to community members to lead you in cleansing, creating healthy, sustainable habits for living, and for creating an intentionally designed life. Our team culture is one of support and self-ownership. I’m excited about the freedom this will bring you! I invite you to consider joining us to access the tools you need in designing your one beautiful life. Membership unlocks these and many more benefits to help you grow in the spiritual freedom you are seeking. The goal is to be your authentic self in this world, with all of your gifts, in all of their fullness.